Thursday 12 January 2012

Digital Remix: Bit Brigade

Pray silence for the finest in guitar-shredding, speed-running goodness

Once in a while you come across something that makes you glad to be alive. Something where you really feel the privilege of being a sentient creature with the sensory faculties to enjoy said something. It's all subjective of course, and unless you really crave the electric mixture of live bands, retro game music and 8-bit speed runs, the following video is probably going to leave you a bit cold. But if all three float your boat, then the following video is about as perfect a blend as is ever likely to exist. So, if you have forty-five minutes to spare and a head in need of some banging (so to speak), then it is my pleasure to introduce you to the truly magnificent Bit Brigade.

Until next time, and a happy new year to all.

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