Tuesday 27 March 2012

Spotlight On: Wizard School

When destiny throws you a curve ball, take it for all the free booze you can magic up

This unashamed rip-off of the Potterverse begins with the chosen one being gunned down by his mortal enemy; despite casting every protection spell known to man, he forgot to protect against physical projectiles, like bullets. These opening pages set the tone of Wizard School right off the bat and promise a pretty good endgame somewhere down the line, because if the dark lord in question is a sarky, evil-minded bastard who's read a bit too much of the Evil Overlord List, then he has nothing on lead asshole Russell Graham.

Described by one evil minion as "the most vile, selfish, reprehensible shit I could find", the Dragonkin scar Russell with a magical mark, reasoning that if they're going to be faced by the chosen one in the ultimate battle of good and evil then they should get to choose who that man is. They may find that they've bitten off more than they can chew, though; drinking, pill-popping and stubbing out cigarettes on children's heads may not help Russell pass the wizarding school he's been unwillingly tossed into, but like his future nemesis bringing a gun to a magic fight, Russell's utter selfishness might be the key to winning the day, whether he wants to go along with it or not. It's a bit like Hook, if Robin Williams had made a pass at Tinkerbell before he'd even got to Neverland.

Of course, it could be that Russell doesn't win the day, given his desperate attempt to subvert destiny into giving him a throne of skulls and hordes of slaves. It's hard to tell with Wizard School, a relatively recent addition to the webcomic stable that is running along at a cracking pace, into its third chapter after just a few months of life. The Minion crew clearly have a plan in place, making this an excellent opportunity to jump in at a relatively early juncture, though still late enough to have a decent amount of material to work through.

Click here to watch Harry Potter get shot in the face and be replaced by his much older, more dickish counterpart.

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